A Non-Aluminum Deodorant That Works!
Aluminum may be getting an undeserved bad rap in the worlds of mental health and cancer, but there are some cases where we still want to avoid aluminum as much…
Your First Card Is Not the Hand You are Dealt – and a Hand is not the Game
We’ve all heard some version of a “hand you are dealt” quote: “You have to play the hand you’re dealt.” “Everyone’s dealt a different hand.” “Make the best of what…
Miller Time Taco Salad
Here’s a quick, easy, but tasty meal you can put together in a few minutes. It has a nice taco feel while still getting in some greens. We make sure…
Digging Deeper on your Goals
It’s the new year, and maybe you’ve set some goals for yourself. Let’s not call them “New Year’s Resolutions”, because that implies we need to wait for the new year….
Fun Times at the Crossfit Games (2018)
For those going to the Games this year – some of the fun we had in 2018, and a warning to keep your eyes open as you never know who you’ll run into!
The Grass Is Greener Inside Your House
The Aerogarden – hydroponic, indoor salads available year round.
The Not So Sweet Side of Sugar
If you knew something was toxic to your body would you still consume it? Did you know that sugar is now considered the new smoking? According to data collected by…
THT Tips – The Healing Power of Pets
Did you know that owning a dog greatly boosts your immune system? Our furry friends bring massive joy, love and improved health. Read more here: https://www.medicaldaily.com/mans-best-friend-may-boost-immune-system-6-health-benefits-owning-dog-328414
2019-04-27 Workout
AMRAP (As Many Rounds/Reps As Possible) for 30 minutes: 5 Pull-ups5 Slosh squat snatches5 Inverted row to dip (muscle-up progression)10 Toes 2 Bar10 Hand-release pushups50 Single unders (regular jump rope)…
Implementing the Growth Mindset: 1 Option
Carol Dweck’s research on mindset as presented in her book “Mindset – The New Psychology of Success” is both ground-breaking and paradigm-shifting… if you can implement it in your own…
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