Building the Reverse Hyper from
Since Louie Simmons first came up with the reverse hyper it’s been one of the most coveted pieces of equipment for many a powerlifter or strongman. When we heard about…
Best Beginner Bumper Set
A set of bumper plates (and a good bar to go with it) are some of the best first pieces of equipment for any gym. A bar and plates (often…
Kidney Donation – What’s It Like? A 1-Year Review
One year ago today (Feb 8, 2019), I was in the hospital donating a kidney to my sister. It was one heck of an experience but of course 100% worth…
Learning about Failure from USA Weightlifting
“You failed.” Maybe some of the most difficult words to hear, especially since a common interpretation of them is “You are a failure.” But is it that simple? Are we…
Benefits of Apples
Looking for a healthy snack? Pair an organic apple with a handful of nuts. Apples are a part of the Dirty Dozen list so it’s extra important to buy organic….
Fight Cancer with Hope Using the Metabolic Approach to Cancer (Review)
The Metabolic Approach to Cancer is by far the best book on the planet for anti-cancer fighting strategies. Dr. Nasha Winters and Jess Kelley have written a brilliant masterpiece of…
It’s 2019 and I Want to Get Healthy. What Now?
There are three components to this effort: nutrition, activity, and rest. However, you should start by giving yourself permission to not be perfect and to learn exactly what is going…
Try This One Tip for more success in your life
Do a search for “CEO Morning Routine” and you’ll find a ton of articles, almost all including some kind of exercise. gives examples of how 8 entrepreneurs work out…
Low Back / Glute / Hip Prehab
It’s a simple fact that the posterior chain (muscles on the back side of your body) often don’t get as much attention as other muscles (think biceps and pecs), while…
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