Seven-way Pile-up
This is a beast of a workout. There’s no getting around it. There’s a double buy-in, then increasing reps will push the mind, and after you’re good and tired, we…
Pre-workout Pressure – Why You Should Try it
I’ve been working hard on getting back into the swing of things, and wanted to share a pre-workout blend that we sometimes use. Getting this in on a day when…
Big Moves for Big Changes
Based on my answer to the Quora question “How do compound exercises help burn more calories?” Two of the biggest fitness goals for many people are to lose weight, gain…
Fueling Performance with Food
“If I knew then what I know now” is a common expression that we will all likely use at some point in our lives. It resonates deeply with me in…
Building the Basics: Calories
Let’s remove some confusion about calories – what is it, how does it impact your diet and nutrition, and how should we think about the calorie?
Fun Times at the Crossfit Games (2018)
For those going to the Games this year – some of the fun we had in 2018, and a warning to keep your eyes open as you never know who you’ll run into!
2019-04-27 Workout
AMRAP (As Many Rounds/Reps As Possible) for 30 minutes: 5 Pull-ups5 Slosh squat snatches5 Inverted row to dip (muscle-up progression)10 Toes 2 Bar10 Hand-release pushups50 Single unders (regular jump rope)…
Building the Reverse Hyper from
Since Louie Simmons first came up with the reverse hyper it’s been one of the most coveted pieces of equipment for many a powerlifter or strongman. When we heard about…
Best Beginner Bumper Set
A set of bumper plates (and a good bar to go with it) are some of the best first pieces of equipment for any gym. A bar and plates (often…
Learning about Failure from USA Weightlifting
“You failed.” Maybe some of the most difficult words to hear, especially since a common interpretation of them is “You are a failure.” But is it that simple? Are we…
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