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There are a lot of rowers out there, but their stability and performance varies greatly. The Concept 2 isn’t cheap, but it is sturdy, smooth, and will last for years – it is the gold standard of rowers in Crossfit and arguably the fitness world in general. As of January 2019 the price ran about $900, though there are (very rare) sales.

A rower provides some interesting benefits – it allows you to change up your cardio (assuming you normally bike or run), hit some muscles that don’t get as much attention (the back), and can be a great alternative to running for people with foot or knee issues.

The Concept 2 is easy to move around with a set of wheels, stands on end for storage (if you have high ceilings), and separates into two pieces for easy storage or transportation. Customers appreciate the rower’s smooth function, sturdy build, and mobility. The new PM5 computer tracks your workouts and, if you’re into details, more numbers than a NASA statistician could want! It’s suitable for the beginning exerciser, the avid Crossfitter, or the professional rower. 

It is possible to find these on Craigslist, but it isn’t easy. If you want one for your home or gym, Rogue (linked to below) is the way to go.

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